102 - Social Recruiting

Experience the cutting-edge, AI-driven methodology for sourcing staff and personnel for your business.

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Photo by Christina Morello on Pexels

The future of recruiting!

At 102, we are revolutionising the way businesses attract, engage, and hire employees through our cutting-edge social recruiting service. Our innovative approach harnesses the power of social media to connect you with the best candidates, making workforce acquisition easier and more efficient than ever before..

Explore how we can help you find the perfect fit!

three men sitting on chair beside tablesPhoto by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Why Choose 102 - Social Recruiting?

man writing on paper

Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness

Say goodbye to traditional hiring methods that drain time and resources. Traditional recruitment methods, such as job postings on job boards or hiring agencies, can be costly. Social recruiting, on the other hand, offers a more cost-effective alternative for reaching a broader audience of potential candidates.

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash 

group of people jumping

Access to a wider pool of talents

Social media platforms have billions of active users worldwide, providing access to a vast and diverse talent pool. This allows us to reach candidates with various skills and backgrounds, including passive job seekers who might not actively be looking for new opportunities.

Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash 

woman in white long sleeve shirt and black pants holding bow

Targeted job advertising

Social media platforms offer sophisticated targeting options that allows us to display your job ads to specific demographics, interests, and locations. This precision targeting ensures that job openings are presented to the most relevant candidates.

Photo by Artem Kniaz  on Unsplash 

iPhone X beside MacBookPhoto by  Timothy Hales Bennett on Unsplash

Explore 102 today!

Discover how our social recruiting service can transform your team acquisition journey. Whether you're a 

  • small business
  • growing startup 
  • established enterprise 

our tailored solutions cater to your specific hiring needs.

Let oneOtwo be your partner in success. Take the next step towards unparalleled recruitment innovation.

Discover our social recruiting solutions today!